Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Since moving to Philadelphia, we have not had a microwave (out kitchen doesn't have enough counter space) and since we do not have a microwave we have gone 1 year without popcorn (a near tragedy, I know). So when I started thinking about what I might want for Christmas, it didn't take me long to put a popcorn maker high on my list.

Imagine my excitement when the last gift I unwrapped Christmas morning was a popcorn maker!! Michael got a new laptop, I got a new purse and some new boots--all very great and very much appreciated gifts. But I have to say I was probably the most excited when I pulled the wrapping paper off the box and saw the popcorn maker.

And finally, now that all the hustle of the holidays have passed, Michael and I have gotten to use our popcorn maker a couple of times. Its very cool. It uses oil, rather than air, which is bad for our cholesterol but oh so great for our taste buds. Mike has made the popcorn he remembers his mom making him-buttered with parmigiano cheese and garlic powder--yum!

We are so happy to have the popcorn maker. Thanks Mom!


Mom said...

I'm so glad you are enjoying the popcorn popper. The pictures of you two show just how popcorn deprived you've been. We love you both. Mom

Stefanie Cross said...

Yumm! Looks like fun!

Annette said...

Oh that looks so delicious...it's 11:00 PM but maybe I should go make a bag...

Mrs. Dove said...

So great to see you guys, I was listening to Beastie Boys while I was working out this week and it brought back some of the temple trips we would take to Orlando listening to the B Boys. Bianca Stanka for life!! Paul Dove