Saturday, February 13, 2010

Week 19

I can't believe I am almost to 20 weeks along, almost to the half-way mark of this pregnancy! It has passed quicker than I thought it would. I remember being 6 weeks pregnant and thinking it would take FOREVER to get to 20 weeks and be able to find out the sex of the baby. Now I only have to wait 6 more days. It's amazing.

Over the past month I have started to feel better. I am not as sick, I can eat a more varied diet, and I don't feel quite as nauseous all the time. I also have a little bit more energy and generally can say I feel as close to normal as I possibly can. In the past couple of weeks I have started to have some back aches, but luckily I have a husband who is willing to rub my back when I ask. I am still having the emotional ups and downs, but overall, things are looking up.

We are so excited to see our baby again next week. I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or a girl. I am going to run out afterwards and either buy a very frilly dress or very cute sports outfit (stereotypical, I know).


nat said...

wow! it's going by so fast!!! do you have names picked out? I can't wait to hear if it's a boy or a girl!

p.s. you are an adorable pregnant girl!!

miss you!


Mom said...

I can't wait to find out whether we're having a girl or boy either. We're so excited to be there for the big moment. We love you two (three, now).

em said...

Keep us posted! When I was preggo with Owen I remember asking the nurse when I'd feel like myself again. She said in about 20 years. :) Glad you're feeling well and make sure to enjoy this phase! The 2nd trimester is the BEST because you feel great and aren't too huge to do fun stuff yet. SO EXCITED FOR YOU GUYS.

PS: Your word verification is "palph." Maybe a nice name for a little girl :)