Thursday, February 11, 2010

Blizzard 2010 - part 2

We got another snow storm last night, giving us another couple feet of snow. The storm was so bad that the governor declared a state of emergency. Snow was falling so fast and blowing around that it created a white-out. I (lucky lucky) got to work last night. It actually ended up being a great night on call. Very few people were dumb enough to try and drive in the storm, leaving little work for us to take care of in the hospital. I actually got to lay in bed from 1:00 am until 7:00 am (unheard of)!

Mike and I are down to one car since our little car is rear-wheel drive and is stuck in the garage right now. He drove me to work yesterday and picked me up this morning. We went out to breakfast (diners don't close because of a little bit of snow) and then came home to walk the girls in the winter wonderland. We also did a little shoveling of the front walk and steps. I shoveled our neighbor's steps and path because every storm she comes out and tries to do it and I worry that she is going to fall or have a heart attack (we see so many elderly people who have broken bones or heart attacks because of shoveling snow).

After all this activity, this pregnant woman came inside, showered and slept for 4 hours. The sun is out now and makes the snow look so beautiful!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Brrr! I am cold looking at it! But it looks like fun! Hope all is well!