Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Our Baby Girl

The much anticipated 20 week ultrasound happened last Friday. Here she is:

The pictures don't do her justice, she is beautiful! She weighs 9 oz and is growing right on schedule. The ultrasound tech kept saying she was a very good baby because she kept "showing her parts"-meaning she showed us her heart, her feet, her kidneys, umbilical cord, etc whenever the tech was looking for them. She was a little more bashful about her hands and her face. She is positioned so that her head is nestled at the base of my uterus, making it very hard to get a good look at her head. She also kept turning her face away, so we really had to work to get the profile shot. As always, she is a very active baby; stretching and kicking her little heart out. I am getting worried about my comfort level once she gets big enough for me to feel all these movements on a regular basis.

I think that this positioning may explain why I have had some minor cramps and discomfort so low in my pelvis. The plus is she is already in the proper position for birth, I just need her to stay that way for at least 18 more weeks.

Mike and I are so excited to have a baby girl! We have already bought some very sweet little outfits with flowers and ruffles. I picked out a girly crib set with flowers. My Mom and Dad were here for the weekend and got to help with all the shopping, which was so much fun!

I will post another picture of me soon. I have not changed much and can't say that I look very pregnant. Most people at work have said that I am too tiny to be 5 months along. I think this just has to do with my build and the fact that she sits so low in my pelvis. My doctor said that I am growing just fine and meeting all the appropriate milestones.


Annette said...

Yea! Congrats! I have a feeling your little girl is going to be super cute like her mom.

Unknown said...

So exciting! She is going to be gorgeous! I am sooo excited for you guys! I keep seeing all these cute little girl outfits I will have to start buying them!

em said...

Yay! Let's just hope she doesn't keep showing off all her parts once she's out of the womb ;) Those 18 weeks are going to FLY BY!!

Mil said...

Congrats again guys!! I thought Shel was eating more than normal at the cabin

Eric and Caralee said...

Yay! Little girls are the greatest, I'm so excited for you. :)