Friday, September 26, 2008

Emmy Update

Emmy does have a bladder stone--2cm x 2cm in size. The vet told us today that she has three options: surgery, lithotripsy (using sonar to break up the stone), or medical management. After much discussion, we have decided to start with the medical management, which includes continued antibiotics and a special diet. We will try her on this for one month to see if it dissolves the stone, and if it doesn't we will explore the other two options. We felt like surgery would be a "quick fix" but risky due to the anesthesia, open procedure, and possible surgical and post-surgical complications. She seems to be feeling okay today; she is playing a bit more and going outside a bit less. Hopefully, the special food will work and our Emmy will be stone free in a month!


Unknown said...

Poor Emmy :( give her kisses for me. Keep me updated on how she is doing. Have a good weekend. Miss you guys!

Stefanie Cross said...

I hope she feels better and I hope that they are giving her some good pain meds! That is what I wanted when I had my stuck stone:) GET BETTER EMMY!