Sunday, November 16, 2008

Christmas Shopping Weekend

This past weekend, my Mom and sister came into town to do some holiday shopping. My mom came in on Thursday night, so we had all day Friday and Saturday to seek out the deals. We decided to go to Kohl's first, since they do not have them in Florida. Can you believe that we spent 2 hours in the store?! We got sucked into the clothes, then housewares, and then we couldn't pass up the holiday section. We finally pulled ourselves away so we could meet Mike for lunch in Chestnut Hill, but I bet we could have spent the whole afternoon there as well.

Mom and I went out to King of Prussia mall after lunch. It was so nice and not crowded. We did not have to fight crowds or wait in line and we easily found a parking space. We don't normally shop so early in the season, but I think we might have started a new tradition. It was nice not having to fight the masses or get run over by baby strollers.

Rebecca's flight was delayed on Friday, so she did not get in until almost 7:00pm. Mike was sweet enough to endure the rainy Friday Philly traffic to pick her up for us. After she got in, we all went to dinner at a great Italian place in Conshohocken.

Saturday was more shopping at the mall. We also hit Target and Dick's. By the end of the day, everyone was tired and ready to snuggle in in front of the tv--which is exactly what we did with some pizza and brownies and ice cream (yum!).

Unfortunately, the weekend went by way too fast. Before we knew it, we were taking them back to the airport and having to say goodbye. I am so happy they came to visit. A tradition of ours has always been to Christmas shop together after Thanksgiving, but with me living in Philadelphia, we can't do that as easily. I really miss having my family near by and this weekend was so bittersweet. I loved seeing them and getting to spend the time with them, but it also reminded me how much I miss them. I cannot wait until we are able to live closer again. Until then I will have to settle for little visits; luckily for me I don't have to wait very long for the next one, they will be here for Christmas in just about 4 weeks!

1 comment:

Mom said...

We did have a nice weekend. I especially enjoyed having both you and Becca to shop with. I do miss our "Black Friday" shopping though. But this made up for it because we didn't have those crowds to contend with. Can't wait til Christmas. Love you both, Mom