Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Take me out to the ballgame...

Tonight we went to the Phillies game to see them play the LA Dodgers.  This was our first time seeing them play and we had such a good time!  The stadium is a great venue and the weather was perfect (60s and breezy).  Since Mom is here this week, she was lucky enough to come with us. :) I am usually not the biggest sporting events fan, but I have to admit that the game was fun, and great outing and I would definitely go again.  

AND to top the whole thing off, tonight was Dollar Dog Night!  Our hot dog tally: 

Shelley: 1 1/2
Mom: 2
Mike: 4!!

What a great night at the ballpark!

1 comment:

Stefanie Cross said...

Yummm! I have been craving a good hot dog since I read this earlier. Ted and I need to hit up a game or something while we are still here...we should go together!
P.S. LOVE the new house but am OBSESSED with the new neighborhood and location, what a blessing!