Monday, October 20, 2008

Interview #2

We made it through another one!

Today we interviewed at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in Stratford, New Jersey (south Jersey) for positions in their Internal Medicine program. This is the hospital system that we have spent the most time at over the last year and a half.

The interview was similar to last week's, except today we were interviewed by a panel of three, rather than in individual interviews. We were asked the standards again and hopefully I am getting better at naming my strengths and weaknesses (or my "dark side" as one interviewer put it). We were both pleasantly surprised with how well the interview went. We had been warned that one of the physicians can be kinda tough, but she was very friendly and nice to us both. We hope this is a hint of what is to come...

We have two more to go. I will be glad when the interviews are finished, these days are so stressful!


Mom said...

Don't worry too much. I know you both did really well. How could those doctors not like the two of you. You're almost done, just hang in there. Love you, Mom

Stefanie Cross said...

Hey! I am so excited to hear how you did. I know you both did awesome. I love all the pics on your blog, I need to learn to take more creative pictures :)